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Home > Accessories > Filters


Astrel cameras with integrated filter-wheel can be fit with filters directly during camera assembly. 

Astrel can directly buy and mount the filters selected by the customer. 

The Filters mounting service costs €50 (VAT excluded).

For AST8300-X and AST183-X are also available the "7F" versions at a very special price: these cameras feature a fully equipped internal 7 pos. filter-wheel with LRGB + Ha + OIII +SII filter set already mounted.


AST8300-A/-B/-X; AST183-X:




  • Astronomik, Optolong , Chroma, Astrodon 36 mm unmounted filters (7 positions wheels)

  • Astronomik 42mm unmounted filters (5 positions wheels)

  • Astronomik 50mm or 2" unmounted filters (4 positions wheels)

  • Optolong, Baader, Chroma, Astrodon  2" unmounted filters (4 positions wheels)


Please ask us if you need filters from other producers: if possible we could buy and mount them before shipping the camera.

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